When I was preparing to start my IRCMarie Curie cofunded fellowship in KTH Stockholm last July, I visited my host, Prof. Rolf Stadler. He was keen to assure me that Winter in Stockholm is not as cold as you would think and that is rarely snows here; However, when it does snow the light reflected back from the snow is beautiful.

See for yourself:


Shot of my morning run: The only issue with all of this snow is that it makes running the 4.5km to work hazardous every morning!

Whilst I am working in KTH I will be affiliated with the Laboratory for Communication Networks (LCN) at KTH. I will also be working closely with Center for Networked System (CNS) at the Swedish Institute for Computer Science (SICS). More on this work will follow in future posts.

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If you’re considering undertaking a MSc/PhD under the supervision of Dr. Ruairí de Fréin please contact Dr. Ruairí de Fréin directly. Please check out two upcoming PhD positions in the Internet-of-Things space. They will be announced in the coming days.

If you would like to get in touch with Dr. Ruairí de Fréin on any other matter, please contact me using the details at my academic webpage.

If you would like to learn more about the TSSG, please visit http://www.tssg.org/

This work was supported by an ELEVATE Irish Research Council International Career Development Fellowship co-funded by Marie Cure Actions award: ELEVATEPD/2014/62.